
Monday, March 30, 2009

Product Photography - Kool Innovations Cooler

Kool Innnovations CoolerDocumentopia hired me for some quick product photography of a unique cooler design. This product has dry refrigerated drawers to keep food cool and dry. Pretty neat, huh? Learn more at

Spencer Branding Web Site Launch

Spencer Branding Web Site
I have worked with Scott Spencer of Spencer Branding for a few years now on many cool projects. After working on everyone elses sites, finally, it was time to revise the web site. We wanted to show more of the work that they are involved in. The main directive for this project was to design a site with code that would both work on web browsers and PDA web browsers such as the iPhone. By using compatible java-based code, instead of Flash, this was possible. Visit to see more.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Corporate Portraits for Solvay

Elements Magazine cover photographed by Andrew Hughes

Graphic Works, who I work for, was hired by Solvay to shoot cover and feature photography for their corporate magazine, Elements. Four portraits were shot on location using small, portable flashes in mixed lighting scenarios. I am excited to offer my photographic skills to the clients of Graphic Works and hope to do more of this in the future. To learn more about Graphic Works check out our web site at

To see the rest of the photographs from that issue, check out the gallery here.

Postcards from New Orleans Mardi Gras

New Orleans Mardi Gras GalleryThis week I saw Mardi Gras in New Orleans and it was everything that I expected it to be... crowded streets, drunken party people, strange costumes, elaborate floats and lots of tasty food. This was my third time back to N.O. with my wife, but the first time during this celebration. It is definitely worth seeing at least once.

The biggest shock of the trip was not seeing naked people in the streets or celebrities, but my germ-phobic wife picking up stacks of mardi gras beads that had been thrown in the filthy streets. Here is a gallery of the weekend.

View the New Orleans Gallery here.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow Falls in Atlanta

Today we woke to drizzly rain that turned into wet snow and then big fluffy flakes the size of down feathers. It was beautiful to see. I did not have my camera with me at the time, but I was later able to capture my house covered in snow and the spectacular sunset.

Web Site for Photographer Teri Darnell

Web site of photographer Teri Darnell
My friend Teri asked me to create a portfolio site for her excellent photography. I met her in a photo composition class at Showcase School of photography and was impressed with her work. She has been getting inquiries about her work so this site can do all the talking for her. I built this site so she could easily update her portfolio herself directly from Lightroom, with out having to resort to HTML editing. Give her site a look at