
Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas and Birthday Photos for Danielle

Check out the Chrsitmas Baby Photo Gallery
Danielle just turned one year old, and wow! is she growing. I have known her parents, Josh and Michelle for a long time, and we came up with a plan to take photos of "Dani" indefinitely for many years to come. Children grow so much the first few years that it is important to document them at this time. Everyday is an adventure through their eyes.

Check out Danielle's firs birthday gallery
We took some photos of of her birthday outfit and Christmas dress. She was a real trooper hanging in there for a long time for a small child. Her father, Josh, deserves an Oscar for "Best Comedic Performance" because he made a fool out of himself trying to get Dani to smile. I think it worked.

Check out Danielle in her First Birthday Gallery here.

Check out the Danielle in here Christmas dress here.