
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Future of DSLR Video Could Get Exciting

Now that I have 2 cameras capable of producing HD quality video, I thought I'd venture to Showcase Photo and Video in Atlanta to take advantage of a video seminar that was being given there. The seminar was put on by Canon and I found it to be informative and full of useful information. It definitely gave me more to consider the next time I pick up my camera to make a video.

Other vendors were on hand as well selling their DSLR video wares such as RedRock Micro who makes fantastic but pricey rigs to hold your camera during video shooting. I was a little put off by the sales rep's attitude who said anything they offered under $1000 is just for amateurs. Phooey! That's a bad attitude and they should tap into the budding amateur and indy market more than they are. Make the rigs cheaper and sell more to the masses.

Carl Zeiss was also present, and they had beautiful cinematic style lenses specifically designed for DSLRs, and had the size and familiar functionality of top end movie lenses... They came in a wide range of focal lengths for directors to use. Expensive... yes, but a relative bargain compared to the lenses and camera systems previously used to make television shows and movies.