
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Head Shot Portraits for an Atlanta Law Firm

This week at Graphic Works I had the opportunity to take head shot portraits of 12 lawyers of a local Atlanta law firm. They are going to use the photos for their web site profiles and for publications when needed.

I love making these kind of photos because it gives me a chance to connect with people one-on-one. I also like delivering photos that the subject will be happy to use... even ones who inform me that they "hate to have their picture taken". My goal is to win those people over and make them change their mind about having a portrait made... or at least to make the process seem painless.

The mood during my portrait sessions is laid back and fun. I will adjust my shooting style based on the particular person sitting in front of me, but I always want my subjects to feel at ease because that makes the best portraits.

My typical workflow for corporate portraits involves setup on in the client's office or in our studio. Then I schedule about 15 minutes per person to shoot, review and pick the final image. I shoot with my camera tethered to a computer so that we can make an "on-the-spot" review and choose the final photo. We discuss any retouching requests at that time too. Clients love seeing the photo that they will get and it saves me from their second guessing later. Everyone is happy this way.

Check out my business photography portfolio at