
Monday, January 31, 2011

Head Shot of my Favorite Teacher

Did I get lucky or what? Not only did I get to marry a smarty pants, but she is beautiful too. I know it is not very professional of me to comment on my subjects, but I think I am allowed in this case. I always knew that I would marry a red head with green eyes... and sure enough... I did.

Jenny is a college professor and is one of the most dedicated teachers that I have ever met. She literally puts in hundreds of extra hours of work in a year... going beyond the call of duty. She has helped many students get into grad school, and many more in their professional careers as Industrial Organizational Psychologists. I have met many of them and they have told me that she pushed them harder than anyone else, and it was because of her that they were prepared for the challenges later.

This is a quick head shot I made of "Dr. J." for a poster that will advertise a speech that she will be giving at her school next month. She was asked by the school to prepare a special presentation to inspire the students. I can't wait to see it myself.