
Friday, February 11, 2011

Promo Video for a World Class Glove Corporation

Creating promotional videos for clients is a creative process that we really enjoy at Graphic Works because it uses every artistic skill that we possess. This particular video was built for Showa Best Glove's annual sales meeting, and for later use on their web site.

This project was a true team effort involving several people. I wrote the basic script and storyboard with some tweaks from my boss and the client. Then we sent the script to a professional voice talent to record. He nailed it on the first take.

From there, custom graphics were created for different scenes, and other audio and video assets were gathered, including some last minute footage shot by the client in their manufacturing facility and other scenes recorded with the Canon 5D Mark 2 DSLR.

The last stop was in the hands of our in-house video editor, David Struve, who pushed the concepts from the storyboard even further making the final video better than I had envisioned it. We all added small details to improve the final product.

Like Hannibal from the "A-Team" used to say...
"I love it when a plan comes together!"