
Saturday, May 14, 2011

My First Trip to Las Vegas

You know the advertising slogan... "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". I wish I had such juicy secrets to hide, but honestly, I don't. I took my first Vegas trip with a bunch of guys that had been going for years.

Sin City? I guess we went to the wrong places because only scantily clad women that we saw were at the hotel's lame burlesque show which was so "unshocking" that one comrade fell asleep. It was a drag queen show but with actual women. I kept looking for adam's apples on the dancers just to be sure they were not playing a practical joke on us. It was "over-the-top" campy, lip-synched to bad music with terrible lyrics and probably had not been updated since 1955? We eventually walked out early while a comedian host made his bad jokes.

We spent plenty of hours walking the Vegas streets taking in the sights sounds. The sidewalks are jam-packed with gawkers and interesting people alike. The fellow on the right below looked familiar, but I could not place where I had seen him before. ha ha

The streets really get interesting at nigh when the casinos use millions of bulbs 
and miles of neon to mesmerize patrons... the same way that bug zappers attract moths.

I kinda liked seeing this Disneyland for adults, and I could definitely go back. 
I had better start saving now since everything I wanted to do is so expensive...

Despite the crowds of people walking around, I thought Vegas could feel lonely. One could definitely disappear into a crowd and be lost in the noise and hustle. I witnessed many grizzled gamblers blowing wads of cash at the slots and tables... $100 a pop in some cases. I hope it made them happy.

The original and biggest neon light shined from above.
I wonder if you can see Las Vegas from the Moon?

After seeing the amount of cash that visitors were going through, I have a new slogan for Vegas. 
"What money you have in your pocket, stays in Vegas".