
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Package Design and Product Photography for BeWell Products

BeWell is a company that makes many of the healthcare-related products that one may find in drug stores. Some of those products include moist heat bags that are warmed in a microwave before applying to one's body. The old packaging was a cylinder of of plastic with a paper label insert. This took up too much shelf space and was too expensive.

A more efficient, compact and cheaper packaging solution was needed.  Pennies saved per package can add up over a year's time and make a huge difference in the profit margin. The cyclider design was transferred to small boxes.

I hand built sample boxes for an investor meeting and took photos for future promotional materials. I tend to shoot products like this one box at a time and then assemble them into groups as needed. This gives me the same perspective on each product photo and they look better in catalogs and web sites at a consistent angle. I can also change the backgrounds easily depending on what is needed.