
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pregnancy and Family Portraits in Stone Mountain Park

Making portraits in new locations is always an adventure and challenge for me. I love discovering new settings to take pictures of my clients. You never know what a place may look like until you try it... and many times I get surprised.

This portrait session took place in Stone Mountain Park, Georgia, which is conveniently a short drive from my studio. There are good photographic locations hiding around every corner, and it will take a few months for me to explore the place. Good thing I bought a year-long pass.

I have been taking photos of the Josh and Michelle's family for many years, and slowly they keep adding to their numbers.

Currently, they have a 2 year old daughter, and are about to add a son to the mix. 

We decided to get a few belly photos for Michelle and Josh so they could remember this happy time before another big change in their lives.

At the time we had limited window of opportunity, because the doctors said Michelle could have Josh Jr. any day now. In fact, the little guy was born 2 days ago.

Luckily we got through our session before that happened and before their little girl, Danielle, even realized it was nap time. She was a trooper!