
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Senior Photos of Kimberly In Piedmont Park

As a photographer, there are days when everything goes right, and I feel that I am making the photos want to be taking. This was the case when I had the chance to take young Kimberly's senior photos.

I first met Kimberly when she was around 13 or 14, and I thought it would be fun to make her portrait one day.

Her father hired me to give her some memorable photos of her last year in high school.

Kids at this age are fun, enthusiastic and enviously skinny. I remember being 120 lbs. in high school, and being able to eat anything I wanted without penalty, but those days are long gone which is too bad.

We took these photos in Piedmont Park in the early morning when the light was fantastic. The summer heat had disappeared, and it was chilly when we started.

I have a lot of experience shooting at that location in the evening, but the mornings there are magical too.  The park looks totally different.

Fall had not yet come to the park so I had to work hard to find any fall foliage there. I think I saw 3 trees changing colors, but that was enough.

I had better quit posting before this entry gets too long. To see the rest of Kimberly's Senior Portrait Gallery, click here...