I met Dean Stevenson many years ago when I was taking classes at Showcase School of Photography. He is the best photography teacher that I have ever had. I never missed the opportunity to improve my knowledge and skills with a camera when he was teaching class. Sometimes I would get on the waiting list to take his classes, but it was worth the wait. Over the years I ended up taking every class that he taught until there were no more left.
I also had the opportunity to work with him professionally assisting him in a wedding shoot. I could see his work ethic up close. No detail was overlooked and the job was a success.

Students have the choice of taking 5 week courses that involve weekly assignments, a fieldtrip and critiques. Or, they can take a intensive lecture-based class in one day. Students also have an opportunity to have personal tutoring with his one-on-one courses. Large groups and photo clubs can hire Dean for seminars.
Courses include:
- Basic Digital Photography 5 Week Class
- Basic Digital Photography Workshop
- Advanced Digital Photography 5 Week Class
- Creative Composition in Photography 5 Week Class
- The 5 Elements of a Great Image and the Rules of Composition
- How to Use Lightroom 3 Workshop
- The Basics of Flash Photography Workshop
- Shooting in RAW Workshop
- Introduction to Night Photography Workshop
- Workflow for Photographers Workshop
I built the web site for him and am proud to give back to the teacher I owe so much too. Thanks Dean. Best of luck with your photography school. Check out the site at www.AtlantaPhotoWorkshops.com